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Core Spark


Energy Wellness Coaching



Helping you spark your inner power!

Click  here  for a  free 30 min  consult

Discounts available

for first responders, healthcare workers and teachers! 



The Mind/Body connection can impact the cellular biological process in your body.  Wellness can be achieved with a new growth mindset and state of "being".  


Training with Core Spark, you can: 


  • Spark the connection to your inner healer.


  • Empower yourself while planning your pathway to wellness.


  • Remove energy blocks and limiting beliefs and open up to living your best life!


  • Learn more about your energy body.                  

Golden Chakra

-Your beliefs become your thoughts

-Your thoughts become your words

-Your words become your actions

-Your actions become your habits

-Your habits become your values

-Your values become your destiny


--Mahatma Ghandi

Thoughts and words have energy that can be toxic or healing!


A growth mindset takes planting, cultivating and nuturing to manifest the life you dream!


Master your energy and manifest your dreams! 


Energy from your thoughts and words can get stuck in your field and contribute to "dis-ease".  Learn how to change your thoughts which will change your energy into a healing environment!                            







Initial session to obtain client history and background, identify goals and blocks.  Future appointments based on client goals.

Initial Session 90 min - $90

Follow up 60 min - $65, 30 min $40






Core Spark wellness session consist of a combination of Reiki and hypnotherapy.  Initial session is for identification of goals, formation of plan and discovery of energetic and subconscious blocks needing to be addressed for you  to achieve your wellness goal.

60 min - $90 / 90 min $140


Client will obtain a relaxed state while Universal life force energy is transferred through the practitioner to balance the body's natural energies.   Tuning forks used to clear the energy body.

60 min - $90, 30 min - $45



When you are ready to stop smoking, I can provide sub-conscious support.  I was able to quit after 25 years using hypnosis.  The program helps with goal setting, initial hypnosis session and a booster session

STOP program-$250.00

My Story


​About me, a mother and grandmother, educated in business and healthcare administration, certified as a Reiki practitioner, life coach, and clinical hypnotherapist, now realize I am here to help others.  


     Early in my childhood that I had an intense out-of-body experience that completely changed my worldview.  I no longer saw life as others around me did.  My intuition was sharper than before and realized the unique mission to help others.  It wasn't until I was much older that I was meant to be a healer.   


     In my 20's, I fell and was partially paralyzed needing months of intense physical therapy.  Eventually recovering use of my arm again, I suffered chronic pain for years.  I tried pills, acupuncture and more therapy but still didn't feel whole.  I started to research other cultures ancient healing ways.  After overcoming numerous domestic catastrophes and health issues (12 surgeries), it came to understand that my mindset was the greatest tool I had to support my healing and now live a pain free life.


     I am always looking for more knowledge on personal healing.  With the scientific community research on quantum healing, I found a great source of information for self care and healing.  20 years ago, while trying to quit smoking, I found a hypnotherapist who was offering "stop smoking" sessions and signed up.  After 25 years of smoking, I was able to quit after one session.  How powerful is our mind!  It was the first time in my life I felt like I was in control of my life.  Shortly after that, I received a Reiki treatment and found the energy resonated strongly with me.  The experience was so profound I wanted to learn more about Reiki and studied through level 2 attunements.  Learning Reiki provided me with a whole new vision of the world. 


     A few years ago while looking for another hypnotherapist, I found a hypnotherapy school that has been in operation for more than 40 years.  The wonderful teachers at Hypnotherapy Training Institute teach a broad view about healing than most schools of hypnosis are covering.  I completed over 300 hours of training and certified as a Clinical Hypnotherapist by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.  Recently certified with a specialty in Hypnosis for Children and Teens.


     In my continual search for knowledge, I uncovered a wonderful truth about how similar ancient healing methods are to each other.  I recently trained and certified in Energy Healing with Curanderismo from Mexico.  Other areas include Energy Healing using vibration.    


     With this knowledge, I have linked up with my inner healer and enjoy the benefits and want to share this with you!  We all have the power inside ourselves to manifest our dreams!  So I want to show others how to remove their obstacles and manifest their best life!


Sheryl Lambert, MHA, CLC, Energy Healer, CCHT

~Certified by demand, Gifted by Nature~

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PHONE: 702-418-5359



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